This is סדור תפלת ישורון Siddur Tefilat Yeshurun, a comprehensive everyday, shabbat, and festival prayerbook compiled by Rabbi Simon Glazer from pages derived from סדור שׂפה ברורה Siddur Sefah Berurah (1928) with translations set against the Hebrew liturgy compiled by Dr. Max Emanuel (Mendel ben Yitsḥaq) Stern (1811-1873).
Glazer’s translations also appear in the Or l’Yisrael maḥzorim by Star Hebrew Book Co. which Glazer translated under his acronym (S.G.). As those maḥzorim were published under the copyright of Star Hebrew Publishing by the Hebrew Publishing Company, it might be surprising to find these page re-published by the short lived Maimon Publishing Company of Asher Scharfstein (better known as the head of the veritable KTAV publishing house). This sort of publishing practice through offset lithography was challenged by Hebrew Publishing Company, and Hebrew Publishing Co. v. Scharfstein, 288 N.Y. 374 (1942) led to a precedent setting judgment that “unfair competition cannot be predicated solely on copying of uncopyrighted books” and “uncopyrighted books may be freely copied by any method, assuming there is no breach of trust, fraud or imposture.”

This work is in the Public Domain due to the lack of a valid copyright notice (a condition required for works published in the United States between January 1st 1924 and January 1st 1964).
This work was scanned by Aharon Varady for the Open Siddur Project from a volume held in the collection of the HUC Library. (Thank you!) This work is cross-posted to the Internet Archive, as a repository for our transcription efforts.
Scanning this work (making digital images of each page) is the first step in a more comprehensive project of transcribing each prayer and associating it with its translation. You are invited to participate in this collaborative transcription effort!

“📖 סדור תפלת ישורון (אשכנז) | Siddur Tefilat Yeshurun, translated by Rabbi Simon Glazer (1934)” is shared through the Open Siddur Project with a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International copyleft license.
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